Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Drawing Conclusions

I've come to the conclusion that I don't have to rely on Facebook for updates on my friends. Sure, it's fun. I get that. It's literally in my face, screaming for attention. It's also a literal pain in the ass when someone from my past decides to surface.

Years ago, I would have sweetly and silently ignored the horror show and acted as though things were fine. You see, I shoulder things well. I grin and bear quite well under a variety of circumstances.

However, the very letters scrambled on the monitor, spelling out this idiot's name is enough to make me heave. This person forever laughed at Facebook - touting that the internet was a ridiculous waste of time and that people who spent time in cyber land were merely in need of a hobby. Guess who just got a hobby?

This is going to sound ultra-high school. I don't particularly care. Any person who becomes friends with this fool after I've already explained ad nauseum why I cannot stomach to be in the presence of the ass will have to be unfriended. Defriended? What the fuck, they're not my friends. If you're not man (or woman) enough to say, "I'm not going to indulge the attentions of a freak," I simply cannot be around you anymore.

I know this is convoluted. I realize you're likely confused. I get it. But I cannot go into more detail because I promised myself I wouldn't give this person any more time than has already been tossed out there into the universe.

1 comment:

yellowdoggranny said...

let me know who it is in case i accidentally lose my mind.