The Buddha kid's been driving me crazy. Really. He's got such a mouth these days.
Those of you who know me well aren't surprised. I know. He gets it honestly.
Tonight he decided to share some insight with me. So glad my 5-year-old could inform me with some rather important information.
Me: You know who lives in Washington DC, right? (We were watching a preview for a rather brainiac show. The Real Housewives of DC. I know. I'm smart, informed, and cutting-edge. We shall cover that in another post. Another time.)
Him: What?
Me: Barack Obama. He lives in the White House in Washington DC. He's our President!
Him: No. He's not.
Me: (Pondering this utterly shitty response since the kid KNOWS Barack and reveres him. Really).
Me: Yeah. He's the President and lives in the White House.
Him: Nope. That guy who the talllllllll (mimicking the tallness on top of his own head) magic hat. The man with the magic hat is the President.
Me: Oh. Abe? Yeah. Abe Lincoln is one of the FORMER Presidents. Absolutely.
Him: And that other guy with the curls on the side of his head? (Mimicking curls on the side of his own head a la Hasidic Jews.)
Me: That's George Washington.
Him: Yup. Him? The one with the curls was the first President. Then the magic hat Abraham was next. Then Barack.
Thanks for the history lesson, Buddha.
A magic hat.
And Barack.
Everyone clear on this history lesson?
damn...I shudda knowd that
amazingly.. he so brilliant.. i like how he broke things down though.. and his descriptions.. are a delight :-)
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